Robin, Louie and I got an early start at 8:30 this morning. Robin wanted to leave even earlier but I figured that there wouldn't be more than a couple dozen Chihuahua's, so it shouldn't be too crowded. They can't be that popular, could they?

This is what we arrived to see at 9:oo. By the time registration was done at 10:00 there were more than 160 Chihuahua's registered to race.

These were 5 of the smallest ones we saw there. Surely, Fast Louie would get the drop on these weaklings.

We decided that I would be the one releasing him, and Robin would encourage him to come to her. It's 30 feet. This is going to be a piece of cake. A couple of races and we're going to San Diego.

The race starts.
And Fast Louie is off...
This is how far he got, about 3 feet from the starting line. And then stopped. He was far too busy wooing the lady doggy lined up next to him to think about racing and a trip to southern California. All the dogs seemed too distracted with socializing to even think about anything. The first place winner eventually wandered over the finish line a few minutes after it began. Not exactly lightning quick.

If this race was held in my backyard we'd be on our way to San Diego. Oh well, there's always next year. Until then, Distracted Louie, we're going to work on FOCUS.

1 comment:
He is sooooo cute! Wow it looks like you guys had fun. You got a little taste of the pressure and planning it takes to have your kids compete or be photographed or really anytime you want them to do something that you know they can do, but just won't. Hahaha
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